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Your cat is curious
Cats are naturally curious creatures who like to explore their surroundings. When your cat stares at you, they simply might be trying to understand what you’re doing. It can’t be easy making sense of human behavior when you’re a kitty cat.

Your cat loves you
One of the ways in which cats show affection is by looking at you and giving you gentle, slow blinks. This small gesture shows that your feline friend isn’t afraid to close their eyes while being near you, signaling they feel comfortable and trust you.

Your cat wants some attention
Your cat might stare at you simply to get your attention. Your feline friend could be hoping to get a snack, or perhaps they want you to play with them. Playful cats will usually stare at you while crouching down and swishing their tail back and forth, ready to pounce. Don’t be surprised when they come charging at you at lightning speed, only to swerve at the very last second.
Your cat is scared
A frightened cat, much like a playful one, may look at you with wide eyes while crouching. However, a scared cat will hiss, arch their back, perhaps even puff up their fur. Keep in mind that hissing is the cat’s way of signaling they’re frightened and asking for space. To avoid causing further stress, please just leave the kitty alone.
Your cat is angry
An angry cat will arch their back, puff up their fur, and flatten their ears, pinning them against their head. While hissing is an initial sign that your feline wants you to back off, when they start growling, yowling, or even spitting, your cat is truly very angry. If you encounter a cat showing signs of aggression, it’s best to slowly back away, leaving them some much-needed space.

Your cat wants reassurance
When cats get startled, they may look at you to gauge your reaction. By observing how you respond to the sudden noise that scared them, they try to determine whether they should remain calm or panic. For example, if you carry on as usual during a thunderstorm, it can help your cat understand that there’s nothing to fear.