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Put a bell on your cat’s collar

A simple way of reducing the number of birds your cat puts their paws on, is by attaching a bell to your feline friend’s collar. Studies show that a collar with a bell can reduce the number of small prey your cat catches by up to 50%. While some people worry that the constant ringing might harm a cat’s hearing, this has been disproven. Still, not a fan of using a bell to alert the birdies? We have some quiet solutions too!

Use a special, colourful collar

Songbirds are the most at risk of being attacked by cats. Luckily, these birdies are great at spotting vibrant colors, even at dusk and dawn when there’s little light. As a result, putting a wide, colorful breakaway collar on your cat will make them more visible to their prey. In fact, studies have shown that the number of birds caught was reduced by 87% when cats wore such a collar. What an amazing result!

Colorful breakway collar

Install a cat-proof fence

If your cat often leaves your garden to go catch birdies elsewhere, a special cat-proof fence could help keep your cat contained. There are different types of cat fences on the market, including oscillatory fences and fences that curve inwards at the top. If you have a small enclosed garden, you could even stretch a net over your entire garden to prevent your cat from catching any birds at all.

Build a catio

A catio lets your cat enjoy the outdoors without catching even a single bird. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, a catio is an enclosed outdoor space designed specifically for cats. This large, cage-like structure is typically attached to the house, allowing cats to come and go through a cat flap. Catios can be equipped with fun enrichments for your cat, such as scratching posts, perches, tunnels, toys, cat grass, and more. And, the best part: your cat is completely safe from traffic and large predators as well!

Catio for your cat

Leash-train your cat

If you enjoy being outdoors with your cat, it could be a great idea to leash-train them. That way, you can keep your cat near you and make sure they don’t go after any birds. Make sure you always attach a leash to a harness, never to a collar as the latter could cause your cat to escape or even to choke.