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In this article

Finding Serafina

“I had been wanting to adopt a cat for months, but all shelters in my area denied my request as I didn’t have the permission of my landlord to keep a pet. Then, one day, I came across Serafina – a gorgeous white cat – while browsing the internet. Serafina’s owner turned out to be a girl around my age who had to give Serafina away because she had too many cats, and a lot of schoolwork to worry about.”

Bringing Serafina home

“The moment we met, Serafina’s owner and I hit it off right away. We both had a good feeling about this. The girl even let me keep the $100 rehoming fee, and handed over Serafina to me, along with an old t-shirt of hers, food, milk, litter, and a litterbox.”

“At that time, Serafina was about 5 months old and still had some issues using the litter box. Luckily, my family gladly helped me to litter train her, and that’s how Serafina became the first pet cat in my family! Serafina is a shy kitty, yet such a sweetheart. She won over the hearts of my family members, and of their dogs!”

Serafina - Kitten

Serafina goes blind

“When Serafina was two years old, she got an infection in her lungs, requiring her to take medication. Unfortunately, the vet failed to mention that this medication could cause sudden blindness as a side effect. When I noticed Serafina’s pupils were dilated and not getting smaller again, I immediately took her to the vet. There, they told me that she had gone nearly blind, and that the blindness could indeed have been caused by the medication.”

Taking care of a blind cat

“Nowadays, Serafina’s pupils sometimes get smaller again, but she still can’t see properly. That’s why in the evening, we need to keep all the lights in our house turned on, as Serafina will follow me and my sister around and we don’t want her to bump into walls or feel lost. When Serafina frantically starts to meow, I know she has lost track of where exactly in the house she is. I will then carry her to my room. Thanks to this routine, she knows she’s in my bedroom as soon as I put her down. Sometimes, she will get comfortable in her cat bed, other times she will get right back to exploring. Serafina is a real champ! She is regaining her confidence, though she will still be grumpy when she’s tired, and will hiss at the other cats at times. We think she just really treasures her alone time.”

Serafina’s bedtime routine

“Serafina has her own bed, which is right next to mine. Serafina and I are both heavy sleepers, and I’m worried that I would squish her by rolling around in my sleep if I were to allow her to sleep on my bed. From day one, I have been luring Serafina into my room by saying ‘Come on, my baby, my princess’. This routine continues today, and I believe this stability helped her out a lot. Serafina is now 4 years old, and I can’t wait to spend more days with her and give her a long and happy life!”