In this article
Why, oh why?
Cats shed their hair according to the seasons. As the seasons change, so do your cat’s hormones, causing them to either shed their warm coat, or start growing one.
Cats also shed dead hair to prevent it from irritating their skin. This is especially true in indoor cats, as they don’t really need a warm winter coat that will shed later on.
Why so much?
How much cats shed varies significantly among different breeds. Longhaired cats like Persians, Ragdolls and Maine Coons can cause your home to become riddled with cat hair tumbleweeds, but some shorthaired breeds like the Chartreux and the Russian Blue can shed a bunch, too! Other breeds like the Siamese and Bengal barely shed at all.

Is all this shedding still normal?
Probably, yes! Some cats shed so much that you will have to vacuum each and every day. However, if your cat has bald patches, irritated skin, or loses much more hair than usual, this may indicate an underlying health problem, such as an allergy, an unbalanced diet, stress, parasites or a different medical issue.
If you notice any of these, please consult a veterinarian.

Golden tips & tricks
Golden tip #1: Groom your cat regularly
All the hair that you collect while grooming your cat, is hair that doesn’t end up floating around your house. Give your cat a quick brushing on a daily basis, but don’t overdo it. Excessive grooming can damage your cat’s lush fur. Make sure to use the correct high-quality tools for the best results.
Learn more about the Catit Grooming Kits
Golden tip #2: Serve your cat a balanced diet
A balanced diet means that all vital ingredients are present in the correct amounts to keep your cat happy and healthy. High-quality cat food contains lots of meat protein, but should also have Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids as these are great for your cat’s skin!
Golden tip #3: Hydration is key
Cats that are dehydrated will get dry and flaky skin, which in turn causes mats and knots. Make sure your cat gets enough moisture by serving them wet food or – even better – providing them with a drinking fountain.
Golden tip #4: On the road to a clean house
We know it’s a pesky job, but vacuuming on a daily basis is still the most effective way to prevent cat hair tumbleweeds. Covering your sofa with a blanket that repels cat hair works miracles, and be sure to raid the stores for (reusable) lint rollers or brushes to keep your clothes clean.