How to clean the wood on my Catit Vesper furniture?
The wooden boards on Catit Vesper furniture are made from high-quality MDF with a sleek laminate finish. Thanks to the removable mats and cushions, each square inch of the wooden panels is super easy to reach for a quick wipe. Sweep dust from the panels in no-time with a microfiber cloth. Are you looking for a more thorough cleaning method? Lightly scrub the boards clean with a damp, non-abrasive sponge, and some non-toxic cleaning agent such as dish soap. Make sure to prevent the scratching posts and mats from getting wet. Finally, wipe the boards dry with a clean cloth.

How to clean my Catit Vesper cat tree’s cushion, hammock and/or hideaway?
Unlike our competitors’ cat trees, Catit Vesper furniture allows for quick and simple removal of any fabric parts, such as cushions, hammocks, and hideaways, for easy cleaning. To clean these fabric parts, hand wash them using warm water and your regular laundry detergent. Make sure to look at the instructions on the label, and ensure all components are completely dry before reattaching them to the furniture. If your cat tree’s cushion or fabric cover is looking a bit worn from use, we offer replacements for each.

How do I keep my Catit Vesper scratching posts and mats clean?
All Catit Vesper scratching mats and posts are made of all-natural seagrass or sisal. As these plant fibres are naturally absorbent, you should never clean your Catit Vesper scratching posts and mats using water. Instead, grab a vacuum cleaner to clear away any dust and dirt. In case one of the posts does get humid or wet, make sure to act fast and blow it completely dry with a hairdryer, using the cold setting.
How to protect sisal and seagrass scratching materials against mold and mildew in a cat-friendly way?
In our production facility, we follow strict measures to prevent mold formation from the very beginning. Catit Vesper cat trees are produced in a clean environment with closely monitored humidity levels, so they’re delivered to you in pristine condition.
When it comes to mold prevention at home, there are 3 factors that you want to monitor:
Contamination: like plants grow from seeds, molds grow from miniscule spores. To reduce the number of spores that settle onto your Catit Vesper cat tree, we recommend vacuuming both the cat tree itself and the room it sits in on a regular basis – especially if your cat is allowed outdoors and can bring in spores on their paw pads and fur.
Ventilation: in a well-ventilated room, fresh, clean air can get to your Catit Vesper cat tree, clearing out excess allergens and humidity. Regularly airing the room can thus be a great preventative measure in the battle against nasty growths. Just don’t do so when it’s wet outside, as you don’t want to bring in humid air.
Humidity: moisture allows tiny spores to grow into mold patches. Don’t place your cat’s Catit Vesper cat tree in a humid room, such as the bathroom, kitchen, patio, laundry room, etc. Cat owners living in a humid climate must pay extra attention to the placement of their Vesper cat tree, definitely taking the need for low humidity levels into account.
In case you spot mold on your Catit Vesper cat furniture, make sure to remove the affected scratching post. Unfortunately, there is no way to get rid of the mold that is both effective and safe for your cat, so any affected posts need to go. Luckily, there is no reason to get rid of the rest of your cat tree! Simply clean the remaining parts as described above and order a replacement post from

Vesper Play furniture
Our Catit Vesper Play Furniture is super easy to clean. Simply rub the furniture with a clean, damp cloth. To get rid of more stubborn stains, disassemble the Catit Vesper Play Furniture and wash the fabric cover by hand, using your regular laundry detergent and some warm water. Cushion sleeves can be washed separately. Always follow the instructions on the label.