How can I make my Catit Flower Fountain run more quietly?
Make sure that the surface underneath your fountain is sturdy and completely level. Place your fountain on the floor, not on a table or a countertop. A wooden floor will naturally be noisier than a concrete floor or tiles. Also, fill your fountain all the way up to the wavy line in the plastic rim, and clean your pump each month.
Why is the pump of my Catit Flower Fountain becoming less powerful?
The pump becomes less powerful when it is clogged with cat hair or other debris. To resolve this issue, check out the video below.
Another reason why your pump might not seem powerful enough is that the slider on the Flower Fountain pump might be slid to the wrong side. Slide the slider to the + side for a maximum capacity. Please note that only older models of the Flower Fountain have this slider.
How do I prevent my cat from taking the Catit Flower Fountain apart?
The Catit Flower Fountain was designed to be easy to disassemble for cleaning purposes and for the safety of your cat. Since the components come loose relatively easily, your cat cannot break parts or tip over the fountain. After having taken the fountain apart a few times, cats tend to lose interest in playing with the fountain.
How do I prevent my cat from knocking over the Catit Flower Fountain?
Fill your fountain all the way up to the wavy line in the plastic rim. A fully filled fountain will be nearly impossible for a cat to knock over.
Is the flower accessory of the Catit Flower Fountain also sold separately?
Yes, the flower accessory (#44820) is separately available as replacement part.
Why does the Triple Action Fountain Filter float?
The Catit Flower Fountain filter should be rinsed thoroughly and submerged in a bucket of water before placing it inside the Catit Flower Fountain. In case your filter keeps floating, the filter can be placed upside down in the fountain for a few days. This should prevent flotation. After a few days, please flip the filter back to its normal position.
How to prevent mold from forming on the filter?
To prevent mold from forming on top of the filter, make sure that the Catit Flower Fountain filter is submerged at all times. The water inside the Catit Flower Fountain should always reach up to the wavy line in the plastic rim. Only turn off your cat fountain for maintenance and cleaning so the filter stays wet at all times.
How do I remove the flower bud?
First, take the flower out of the fountain and hold it upside down. At the bottom of the flower are 3 small, yellow rims. Use a pen or screwdriver to push these rims inwards. Finally, pull the yellow flower bud upwards to remove it.