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Cat Care

It’s the shedding season!

Help! My cat is shedding. 4 hacks to keeping your house free of cat hair
Help, my cat is getting bald. Should I worry?
Get the most out of your Catit Shorthair Grooming Kit!

See all cat hair articles

Cat anatomy

How does my cat’s digestive system work?
Why does my cat’s tongue feel like sandpaper?
Why do cats have whiskers?
10 fun facts about polydactyl cats
Why does my cat have a floppy belly?

Hot & cold

7 tips to keep your cat cool during summer
12 ways to keep your cat safe in winter

Safety First!

Rat bait poisoning in cats: symptoms & treatment
Which plants and flowers are dangerous for cats?
10 tips and tricks to keep your cat safe during fireworks

Kitty dental care

Our tips and tricks on how to take care of your cat’s teeth
All you need to know about your kitten’s teeth

Looking after your cat

Why does my cat have discharge in their eyes, and should I worry?
What is feline acne and how to prevent it?
How to look after a blind cat
Can cats get bird flu and how to prevent it

Facts on your cat’s health

Fact vs fiction: cat spaying and neutering explained.
Are kittens allowed to have treats?
Visit the Blutsjestehuis, a permanent home for special needs cats

Helping your cat

5 ways a slow feeder will enrich your cat’s life
5 important reasons why your cat needs a drinking fountain
What is whisker stress and how to avoid it?

Cat hair everywhere…

Help! My cat is shedding
Help! My cat is shedding
Get the most out of your Catit Shorthair Grooming Kit!
10 tips and tricks for brushing your cat
Get the most out of your Catit Longhair Grooming Kit!
Help, my cat is getting bald. Should I worry?
Which Catit Grooming Kit for my cat

Senior cat care

Our 5 easy care tips for your senior cat
Our 5 easy care tips for your senior cat

Seasonal safety

10 common holiday decorations that are dangerous for cats
5 valuable tips for cat-proofing your Christmas tree
Hidden Halloween dangers to keep away from your cat

Caring for a kitten

How to prepare for kitten adoption
How to introduce your kitten to your other pets
Kittens grow up so fast! Here’s what to expect the first 12 weeks