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    What is the York Cat Hunt?

    The York Cat Hunt – as the activity is called – is a free walk around York’s historic city centre on which you can find more than 20 cat statuettes. Some of them are easy to spot, others need a little more effort. The 2km-walk is great for adults and is heaps of fun with kids.

    How did the cats get there?

    Most of the cat figurines you can find in York came about thanks to architect Tom Adams. As a student, he would incorporate cats into his drawings and perspectives to make them stand out. The young Adams started doing so after he had been told that Leonardo Da Vinci used to draw mice on his sketches. And, why not go with cats!

    Although Adams had been hiding cats in his designs since the 1950s, it wasn’t until the 1970s that he decided not only to have the cats appear on paper, but to also have real cat figurines made and attached to or placed onto the buildings he designed. For the creation of the little feline, he collaborated with sculptor Jonathan Newdick.

    However, you can also find older cat figurines in the York streetscape. Back in the 1920s, Sir Stephen Aitcheson placed two figurines on a building he owned on Low Ousegate, reportedly to scare away rats and mice, and according to some accounts, there have even been cat statues in York since the Middle Ages.

    How the cat-themed walk came to be

    It all started with Jon and Jo, a couple who moved to York and became fascinated by the many cat figurines they encountered in the streets. As barely any information on these felines was available, Jon and Jo researched the history of the statuettes and published their findings on their website.

    Let’s get exploring!

    While you can start your journey at any point, cat number 1 – or rather its location – is truly special. The white feline sits perched above The Cat Gallery – a charming gift store that offers a wide range of adorable cat-related items for sale.

    Pick up the Cat Hunt York folder in the store or download it from the Cats In York website, which the owners of The Cat Gallery have custodianship of since Jon and Jo moved out of York.