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Sense of care and responsibility

If you are struggling with your mental health, remember that there is that little someone who can’t live without you. After all, while your cat may only be a small part of your life, you are their entire world!

Warm hug

Most cat owners will agree: there’s no feeling in the world like burying your face into a cat’s belly fluff. Even according to scientists, petting a cat can be helpful as it releases endorphins, the body’s natural ‘feel-good’ hormones, which help you to relax.

Hugging a kitten

Someone to keep you company

Cats love you unconditionally and are always near you when you need them most. At times when you feel lonely, this sense of companionship can really perk you up.

Non-judgmental listener

Cats are great listeners and do not judge. Talking to your cat can provide a safe outlet for expressing thoughts and feelings, which can be very therapeutic.

Talking to your cat

Taking your mind off things

Playing with your cat provides mental stimulation and may take your mind off the situation that’s causing you stress. Even simply watching a cat’s playful antics or their funny sleeping poses may bring a smile to your face.

Teddy bear to help you sleep

Who doesn’t want to have a living, breathing teddy bear sleeping next to them? Did you know that cats’ purring has been shown to have a calming effect which in turn may improve your quality of sleep? If your cat doesn’t get the zoomies in the middle of the night, that is.

Sleeping with a cat