In this article
- Patience is key!
- Allow your cat to be themselves
- Grab your cat’s attention with treats and toys
- Use natural light
- Use the grid feature and follow the ‘rule of thirds’
- Use a fast shutter speed
- Use burst mode for restless cats
- Use portrait mode for calm or sleeping cats
- Turn on HDR mode
- Experiment with different angles
- Try photo editing apps if needed
1. Patience is key!
Cats aren’t easy subjects to photograph. Unlike dogs, our feline friends won’t listen to commands, are unlikely to sit still when you need them to, or won’t budge when you would like to capture them in action. Getting the perfect shot takes time, lots and lots of it, so don’t expect to get the result you’re looking for in just a few minutes.
2. Allow your cat to be themselves
Each cat has a unique personality, so why not capture your cat just the way they are. Don’t rush your feline into a pose and don’t try to force them into doing something they don’t want to do. If your cat feels like having a nap, capture them asleep. Need a shot of them being active? Well, try again another time. In fact, it’s best not to have a mental image of the shot you are looking for, as you’re likely to become frustrated when you don’t succeed. Just go with the flow and capture some intimate candid moments.
3. Grab your cat’s attention with treats and toys
Are you looking to capture your cat’s attention? Well, then it’s time to get out some toys and treats. A bunch of colorful feathers on a stick will make an amazing tool to coax your cat into looking into a certain direction. Does your cat prefer food over play? Crinkle a bag of treat or shake the treat jar and we bet your cat will be all ears. Just be careful not to feed your cat too many treats. Not only would that be unhealthy, but once your feline’s tummy is full, they will lose interest in your tasty snacks.

4. Use natural light
When it comes to lighting, natural light is always the best option. Position your cat near a window or in a well-lit area to get the best results. Avoid taking ‘backlit’ pictures where the main light source is behind your cat and try to work without flash as the bright light is likely to cause red eyes and might startle your cat. If you do need to use artificial lighting, make sure it’s soft and diffused to avoid harsh shadows.

5. Use the grid feature and follow the ‘rule of thirds’
Most smartphone cameras have a grid feature that helps you compose your shots better. In photography, there’s something called the “rule of thirds”, which is a technique that involves dividing your image into thirds both horizontally and vertically and placing your subject at the intersection of these lines to create a more visually appealing shot. By activating the grid feature, these virtual lines will become visible on your screen but won’t show up in your pictures.
6. Use a fast shutter speed
Cats are notoriously fast and agile, so using a fast shutter speed can help you capture their movements without blur. Set your camera to a fast shutter speed of at least 1/500th of a second or higher to freeze your cat’s movement. If you’re not sure how to adjust your camera settings, check if your smartphone camera offers a sport mode and use that one.
7. Use burst mode for restless cats
Cats are fast-moving creatures, and it can be challenging to capture them in action with a single shot. Burst mode allows you to take a series of photos in quick succession, increasing your chances of getting a great shot. On most smartphones, you can activate burst mode by holding down the shutter button or the volume button, or by swiping the shutter button to the left.
8. Use portrait mode for calm or sleeping cats
If you have a smartphone with a dual-camera setup, you can use portrait mode to create a shallow depth of field effect. This feature can make your cat stand out from the background and create a more professional look. To use portrait mode, select the option in the camera settings and make sure your cat is in focus. Bear in mind that portrait mode only works when your subject – your cat in this case – barely moves. So, if you feline isn’t in the mood for sitting idle, it might be better to use burst mode to capture a nice image.

9. Turn on HDR mode
HDR mode, which stands for High Dynamic Range mode, can help you capture better photos in tricky lighting situations, such as when your cat is in a dark corner or slightly backlit by a window. HDR mode combines multiple exposures to create a well-exposed image. To turn on HDR mode, look for the HDR option in the camera settings.
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10. Experiment with different angles
Try taking photos from different angles to get unique and interesting shots. Get down to your cat’s level and take photos from their eye level for a more intimate perspective. Is your cat lying down on the floor? Hold your smartphone upside down to allow your camera to get close to the ground without you having to lie down on the floor. Also, feel free to experiment with shots from above or below, for example by placing your cat on top of a glass table, which, if you’re lucky, will deliver amazing results.
11. Try photo editing apps if needed
Most smartphones allow you to enhance your photos right in the native camera app. After all, some simple adjustments to the brightness, contrast, and saturation can really make your images pop. Are you looking for a photo editor with more elaborate options, such as removing the background or adjusting certain areas? On Google Play or in the App Store, you’re sure to find the right app to fulfil your specific needs.