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Fluffy beds
Catit Fluffy Beds
Catit Fluffy Beds
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Catit Fluffy Beds

Faux fur fluffy cat beds with raised rim

Catit Fluffy Beds are just that: spectacularly fluffy and soft, with raised rim to invite your cat to relax, burrow and knead as they sink into restful slumber.

2 classic cat bed colors that blend with any decor

Fluffy beds as comfy catnap spot

Cats will sleep from 12 to 16 hours a day on average. Our padded cat beds are perfect for enjoying high-quality naps and will allow for numerous sleeping positions. Thanks to their wide 60 cm (24 in) diameter, the Catit Fluffy Beds provide a generous fit for one or multiple cats and offer much-needed coziness. They are not only extremely comfortable but also easily accessible from all sides. The wonderfully soft cat beds come in elegant subtle colors that fit any interior.

Soft faux fur cat bed for excellent naps

Soft faux fur cat bed for excellent naps

Our super-soft faux fur Catit Fluffy cat beds allow your cat to snuggle up, burrow and knead as they please. These natural nesting behaviors help cats feel secure and relaxed before snoozing away.

Extremely soft cat beds

Safe and secure resting spot with raised rim

Besides offering support for their head and neck, the cat bed has a raised rim that helps your cat stay out of sight when in need of some peace and quiet. Even though the Catit Fluffy Beds are very fluffy and malleable, they prevent your cat from falling out when dozing off, providing a safe haven for your furry cuddler.

Cat beds with raised rim for support and privacy

Fluffy cat bed with anti-skid bottom

Fluffy cat bed with anti-skid bottom

The anti-skid fabric on the bottom helps keep the bed in place as your cat settles down and gets comfortable. Catit Fluffy Beds are also easy to pick up and place down anywhere your cat prefers to sleep, or to have your cat close to you at any given time.

Anti-skid fabric on the bottom to keep cat bed in place
Catit Fluffy Beds image compilation


Product Info

Fluffy Beds
White – #41881
Dark Grey – #41882


24 x 24 x 8 in / 60 x 60 x 20 cm (LxWxH)

Product Features

Super soft round cuddler cat bed
Anti-skid bottom
High rim to support head and neck
Elegant faux fur look, made of 100% polyester (bottom, filling and exterior)

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