Catit Official Brand Site

Ist dein Lieblingsbuch über Katzen noch nicht auf der Liste?

Diese Liste wird monatlich aktualisiert, also schau regelmäßig vorbei.

Die 10 besten Katzenbücher 2024!

  1. "A Street Cat Named Bob" - James Bowen
  2. "The World According to Spud: A Cat's View of Life" - Carol Walker
  3. "Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World" - Vicky Myron
  4. "Play With Your Cat" - Mikel Delgado
  5. "Alfie the Doorstep Cat" - Rachel Wells
  1. "Kitty Language" - Lili Chin
  2. "Tiny But Mighty" - Hannah Shaw
  3. "The Travelling Cat Chronicles" - Hiro Arikawa
  4. "Second-Chance Cats: True Stories of the Cats We Rescue and the Cats Who Rescue Us" - Callie Smith Grant
  5. "Warriors" - Erin Hunter

Schau dir die folgende Liste an und lass dich für deine nächste Lektüre inspirieren.

"A Collection of Cats" - Melanie Dixon

"A Street Cat Named Bob | Un chat des rues nommé Bob | Un gato callejero llamado Bob" - James Bowen

"Alfie the Doorstep Cat | Alfie, de drempelkat | Alfie le chat du bonheur" - Rachel Wells

"Cat Telling Tales" - Shirley Rosseau Murphy

"Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul: Stories of Feline Affection, Mystery and Charm" - Jack Canfield

"Dans la peau de Kiwi" - Fanny Broussard

"Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World" - Vicky Myron

"Días de perros" - Gilles Legardinier

"Die Katzentrainerin: Mit bedürfnisgerechter Erziehung die Katze-Mensch-Beziehung stärken" - Anika Moritz

"El gato que curaba corazones" - Rachel wells

"El gato que enseñaba a ser feliz" - Rachel wells

"El gato que regalaba sonrisas" - Rachel Wells

"En mi casa no entra un gato: Diario de un gatuno primerizo" - Pedro Zuazua Gil

"Frankie | La vie selon Frankie" - Jochen-Martin Gutsch & Maxim Leo

"Ghost Cat" - Alex Howard

"Glückliche Katzen" - Xenia Dirksen

"How to Train Your Human | Cómo domesticar a un humano" - Babas

"I love happy cats" - Anneleen Bru

"Jennie" - Paul Gallagher & Paul Gallico

"Just One More Purr" - Melanie Dixon

"Kitty Language" - Lili Chin

"Les Chats de hasard" - Anny Duperey

"Les chats ne rient pas" - Mukai Kosuke

"Lo que Mirta me enseñó" - Luján Rea

"Malcolm and Me: Life in the Litterbox" - William Thomas

"My Beloved Monster, Masha the Half-wild cat who rescued me" - Caleb Carr

"Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats" - T.S. Eliot

"Play With Your Cat" - Mikel Delgado

"Second-Chance Cats: True Stories of the Cats We Rescue and the Cats Who Rescue Us" - Callie Smith Grant

"She and Her Cat" - Makoto Shinkai & Naruki Nagakawa

"The Black Cat | Le chat noir" - Edgar Allen Poe

"The Cat That God Sent" - Jim Kraus

"The Cat Who Came for Christmas" - Cleveland Amory

"The Cat Who Came in from the Cold" - Deric Longden

"The Cat Who Could Read Backwards" - Lilian Jackson Braun

"The Cat Who Went to Heaven" - Elizabeth Coatsworth

"The Dalai Lama's Cat | Le chat du Dalaï Lama | Il gatto del Dalai Lama | De kat van de Delai lama" - David Michie

"The diary of a killer cat | Diario de un gato asesino." - Anne Fine

"The goodbye cat | De kat die bleef" - Hiro Arikawa

"The Silence of the Library" - Miranda James

"The Travelling Cat Chronicles | Les mémoires d’un chat | Reisverslag van een kat" - Hiro Arikawa

"The World According to Spud: A Cat's View of Life" - Carol Walker

"Tiny But Mighty" - Hannah Shaw

"Warriors | Los Gatos Guerreros | La Guerre des Clans" - Erin Hunter

"Chats des rues | ツレ猫 マルルとハチ (Tsureneko Maruru to Hachi)" - Yuri Sonodo

"Cat + Gamer | 猫暮らしのゲーマーさん" - Wataru Nadatani