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In this article

The Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)

If you – like me – are terrified of dogs, I promise you will naturally assume this pose as soon as you spot a canine.

If you don’t fear panting, drooling creatures, start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, then breathe out and round your spine towards the ceiling. Draw your lower belly in and up, and gaze toward your navel – whatever that may be.

The Cat Pose

The Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Speaking of dogs. The following pose was named after them – ew! Luckily, it’s a fun pose to do.

Start on your hands and knees – or on your four paws if you’re a cat – then lift your bum towards the ceiling, forming a pyramid shape with your body.

Keep your spine straight, use your core muscles, and press your heels towards the ground while spreading your fingers wide.

The Downward Dog Pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Sphinx pose (Salamba bhujangasana)

Before we move on, I want you to know you’re doing excellent! Now that you know how to form a pyramid, we can move onto the sphinx pose!

Simply lie on your belly with your legs extended behind you and your elbows directly under your shoulders, forearms on the mat.

Press your forearms into the ground, lift your chest, and keep gazing forward like you have a pyramid full of delicious cat treats to guard.

Sphinx pose
Salamba bhujangasana

Extended puppy dog pose (Uttana Shishosana)

Good job! Now, the next pose is great to assume when asking the cat in your life forgiveness for all those times you were late with their food.

Simply start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, then walk your hands forward and lower your chest towards the floor while keeping your bum above your knees.

Stick out your arms straight ahead, rest your forehead or chin on the mat, and feel a stretch along your spine and shoulders.

If your cat climbs upon your back while you’re in this pose, this means the apology has been accepted.

Extended puppy dog pose
Uttana Shishosana

Upward salute (Urdhva Hastasana)

Urdhva Hastasana will help you reach the top shelf of the cupboard, which coincidentally is where many people keep the cat treats.

Stand up with your feet together and arms at your sides, then inhale and sweep your arms out to the sides and up overhead.

Lengthen through your spine so you become as tall as possible and gaze upwards to that box we so desperately want you to reach.

Upward salute
Urdhva Hastasana

Superman pose (Viparita Shalabhasana)

I must say you’re doing great! Only two more poses to go. The next one is super fun as it transforms you into Super(wo)man!

Simply lie on your belly with your arms stretched out in front of you. On an inhale, lift your head, chest, arms, and legs off the mat, as high as possible.

Feels great, right? Now, hold for as long as you can, and please don’t forget to breathe in the meantime. You wouldn’t believe the stupid things I see humans do in my class!

Superman pose
Viparita Shalabhasana

Foot behind the head pose (Eka Pada Sirsasana)

Now, for the grand finale: the foot behind the head pose! I heard humans find this one nearly impossible to pull off. Personally, I don’t see why.

Just bend one knee and place the foot on the inner thigh of the opposite extended leg.

Gently bend forward, bringing your head towards the extended leg while bringing your foot behind your head.

Foot behind the head pose
Eka Pada Sirsasana

See, it’s a breeze! Congratulations! You made it through my class! Feel free to come back another time!